This is a full transcription of the World War One diary of my Grandfather, Henry Peterson. As stated in the preview, Henry’s family came from Danmark in March of 1892, one of the first families to come through the newly opened Ellis Island. They made their way west to Wisconsin, staying with relatives at first. Henry was the first of the family born in the United States, in Belmont Township, Portage County, in 1894. The family soon after moved to nearby Waushara County where Henry lived the rest of his life. On 10 July 1917 in Poy Sippi he married my Grandmother, Esther Serena Hansen. He left home on 13 August 1918. Just two days later his first son, my Uncle Clarence Henry Peterson, was born. He wouldn’t see his son until he was almost a year old. Henry lived until 6 May 1942, dying at age 47 from a tooth infection. I never met him. Editor’s Note – I have decided to correct for spelling and grammar for reasons of clarity. An example of the original spelling may be found in the general orders Henry wrote down near the end of the diary. These I largely left as written.
December 6, 1918
Pvt. Henry Petersen
S. S. U. 612
Convois Automobile
Par. B. C. M. France
Home address Pine River, Waushara County, Wisconsin
Left home August 13 in the evening. Stayed at Wautoma that night. Left in the morning of the 14th for Kansas City, Missouri, Sweeney Auto School. Stopped in Milwaukee about [?] hours and I was uptown. Came to Kansas City August 15th Thursday at noon. Stayed at the Overland Building that night and the next two days. Then I was sent over to the Sweeney Building. Was put in Company 8 with rooms on 9th floor. Awful unhealthy climate in Missouri. Had a cold all the time I was here. We have a fine place to stay. The rooms are partitioned off and eight men in a room, and on each floor is a shower bathroom. I take a bath almost every night. Hot and cold water. [?] the ground floor there is a drugstore and restaurant. There is an elevator but only sergeants and officers are allowed to ride on it. We have passes every Saturday and Sunday, so we get a chance to see quite a lot of the city. I was out to the stockyards for one whole day and didn’t see it all.
[in the margin]: Had the flu one week.
Then I left Kansas City October 17. Got to Camp Crane [Allentown, Pennsylvania] 23rd [sic] o’clock in the morning. Here we got our overseas clothes. We got good eats at this camp and had moving pictures every night. Got some letters from home here. I left here the 30th Oct. Arrived at Camp Merritt [Cresskill, New Jersey] in the evening. Stayed at Merritt just awhile and I read mail from home two times, which was all forwarded from Camp Crane. We left Camp Merritt the 11th of November in the morning. All the bells and whistles were blowing in New York and we guessed right away that the Germans had signed the peace terms. Well we marched about two miles to the ferry boat landing and went across the Hudson River over to Hoboken [down the river, not across]. At Hoboken we got on board the [RMS] “Cedric,” a British ship, and on the 13th of October [sic] we sailed. I saw all the principal skyscrapers of New York as we sailed down the Hudson.
November 13, 1918 – I left New York today at 1:30pm on board the White Star “Cedric.” I sent a letter home just before we sailed. We went right by the Statue of Liberty. Lots of big ships are layering the harbor. We just passed two ships coming in from Norway. They are painted a neutral color. Well I went to bed early tonight as I’m pretty tired.
Thursday, November 14th – When I woke up the ship was rocking pretty good. Well I got upstairs on deck somehow and beat it for the rail and that is where I lost my supper. I repeated the same thing about every half hour all day so I guess it’s true about us getting six meals a day on board – three up and three down. Well I stayed on deck all day and about eight o’clock pm I hit for my bunk.
Friday, November 15, 1918 – I had some wild dreams last night. Well I went on deck and passed the day the same as yesterday, feeding the fish, but this afternoon I am feeling a little better and have done a lot of walking around on board. It is awful windy and the waves come up over the deck once in a while. It is still more stormy tonight and after we was all below they covered up the stairs so the water wouldn’t run down. Well I’m going to bed but I will have to jump in quick so it don’t rock away from me.
Sunday, November 17th – I slept good, even if it was rough. I felt lots better this morning but not any to good, but I had a little breakfast and have kept everything down. I went to church here. The YMCA man preached a very good sermon and we sang a few songs. It is pretty nice weather today but it is pretty cold. I am on guard now in our sleeping quarters for two hours.
Monday, November 18, 1918 – We are still on our way and it is awful nice weather today.
Tuesday, November 19th – We had good weather through the night and all day. I was put on KP today together with eight of my section were in the 2nd class dining room.
Wednesday, November 20, 1918 – Rain but very good sea and not much wind. I am getting used to being a waiter. There isn’t very much for us to do and we get a little extra to eat.
[in the margin]: Baby is three months old today.
Thursday, November 21st – Raining off and on. Sea a little rough. The ships are all zigzagging back and forth so as not to hit a mine or torpedoes. We are getting near to England now so we are in the danger zone. Some say we will get there some time tomorrow. It sure will be nice to see land once again as today is the eighth day out at sea. There is a US battleship and torpedo boat destroyer along with us. The battleship turned around and went home today.
Friday, November 22nd – It is raining again today and the wind is blowing strong. I wasn’t feeling very good this forenoon. Have a bad cold and have had for some time. I’m still on KP and like it better use [sic]. I can pass away the time better when I am doing something. We are in the deepest part of the Atlantic now. They say they have never found any bottom here and they measured for seven miles down.
Saturday, November 23, 1918 – The sea is pretty calm today and it is fog and rain again. At 11am we had a funeral on board. One of the soldiers died from spinal meningitis. It’s an awful sickness and I hope nobody else gets it. He was dropped into the sea. We passed an island today about noon and they say we will be in port by tomorrow morning. Some British sub destroyers came out to meet us today and they sure can go some through the water.
Sunday, November 24th – We came into Liverpool harbor this morning just about daylight. It sure looked good to me. We got to dock and was all off by 11pm. Marched uptown and got on the train for Winchester about 200 miles from here. The English cars look funny to us, as they are quite a lot smaller than ours at home. The freight cars look like lumber wagons. We reached Winchester about 10 tonight and when we got off it was raining. We marched about two miles to the American camp. We are in tents and sleep on the floor. I think we will only be here a short time.
Monday, November 25, 1918 – Well when I got up this morning I was pretty sore and had a bad cold. I was so tired that I slept pretty good and we had a good breakfast and I got washed up and feel pretty good now. The sun is shining today and the aeroplanes are flying up above us most all the time.
Tuesday, November 26th – Got up this morning with a bad cold and sore throat and a stiff back from sleeping on the floor, and it was pretty cold so I froze most all night. Had some good warm coffee for mess. It is raining today the sergeant took us out for a hike and he give us double time most of the way. We had our overcoats so I got pretty sweaty, so now I’m wet both inside and outside and no place to get dry. We are to leave here in the morning [and] we have orders to have our packs rolled. I’m not sorry as it sure can’t be much worse than here as the mud is about six inches deep. We go to Southampton from here and then from there to some place in France. I got a Hell of a sore throat tonight so I ain’t feeling the best.
Winchester, England. November 29th – We got up early this morning, about 4am, and had breakfast. We was ready to leave camp at 7am. Left at about nine for the station at Winchester, about three mile’s walk. Left for Southampton, England and got there at about noon. This is a seaport in the south of England. We got on board the American ship “Charles” bound for France at 5pm. We haven’t had any dinner but we had a lunch along so we eat that and for [?] I had some warm coffee and then I laid down on the floor and slept.
Le Havre, France. November 28th – Well yesterday we was in England. Today we are in France. We got in some time in the night. [The] ship rocked pretty good going across the English Channel, and some of the fellows fed the fish but I felt pretty fine all the time and slept pretty good. Am getting used to sleeping on the floor. Well we debarked at about 8am and it is raining, and all a fellow can see is mud and water. We marched thru town. Everything sure looks new to me. We marched about four miles to the camp. It rained all the way and we had on our overcoats and our packs weigh eighty pounds so I was pretty tired when we reached camp, which we reached at noon, and of course we expected to get barracks so we could get dried off, but we got tents with no fire and twelve men in one tent so we aren’t very comfortable. Well we had Thanksgiving dinner – beans and greens and no salt on. Some dinner.
Rest Camp Number 2. November 29, 1918 – It is raining again today. The mud here is a fright. Now as soon as we are outside the tent we are wading in mud. I slept some last night. Unrolled two blankets and shelter half so didn’t freeze much. Took a shave and wash this morning, the first time for four days. Had hot stew, bread, and cheese for dinner. Have got over some of my cold. There is some talk that we won’t stay over here very long. I wish it was true as I’ve had enough already. This sure is some rest camp. Mud and tents to sleep in.
Saturday, November 30th – Today it is fine weather. We left here for the station at Le Havre. Left there at 7pm in box cars – seven feet wide, ten feet long, 27 men in a car. Have just about enough room to sit down. Some train. Well I didn’t sleep very good. They give us [?] loaves of bread and some corned beef to eat.
This section is from the US Army history website and has a very detailed description of the base camp in Ferrieres-en-Gatinais.
Immediately after the establishment of the Army Ambulance Service headquarters in Paris, steps were taken to procure a suitable site for a base camp. The first location was at Sandricourt, about 35 km. (about 21 miles) north and west of Paris. This soon proved inadequate to meet the demands made upon it, and in February, 1918, after many disappointments, a new location was procured at Ferrieres en Gatinais, about 100 km. (about 70 miles) south of Paris. The main building here had formerly been a monastery built 700 years before. In this building were established the headquarters of the camp, the infirmary (a floor being devoted to convalescents), the pathological laboratory, the quartermaster’s storehouse, and the guardhouse. In the grounds of the property five Adrian wooden barracks were erected, one of which was used as a combination kitchen and mess hall. The buildings now furnished accommodations for 500 men. By taking over an old tannery, which was near by, and the erection of additional barracks, the capacity was increased to 2,000. A complete power plant was installed, latrines, garbage pits, and incinerators were provided, shower baths were procured, and other steps necessary to the formation of a comfortable and sanitary camp were instituted. There was a permanent personnel of about 150 officers and men from which were furnished all permanent details, including the necessary teaching force for a school for cooks, a school for mechanics, and a school for instructing noncommissioned officers in paper work. All new sections and all casuals arriving from the United States were first sent to this camp for a preliminary course of instruction. Sections were fitted out here with personal equipment, quartermaster and medical supplies. The casuals, having been equipped, were then used as replacements for sections at the front, or were organized into new sections. An effort was made to send here for convalescence all sick and wounded eventually to be returned to duty. During demobilization, as mentioned elsewhere, all the sections were sent to this camp for a thorough sanitary survey, including disinfestation, and to turn in all their property not needed en route home. They were then sent from this point to the base ports for embarkation.
Sunday, December 1, 1918 – We are still on our way. Don’t know where. It sure is rough riding. Well we got off the train at 4pm, hiked out here about two miles, and here is the end of our journey for some time as this is the base Camp for the USAAS. Like it fine here so far. It is right in town here that we are an old French town. We got good barracks and got bed ticks and filled them up with straw.
Monday, December 2nd – Slept like a log. Got up at 6:20. Had a good warm breakfast and feel fine. Done a little warming up today.
Ferrieres, France. Tuesday, December 3, 1918 – Laid around the barracks and slept most all day.
Wednesday, December 4th – Reported on sick call for sore throat. Got it swabbed out with a peace of cotton on a stick.
Thursday, December 5th – Have a bad cold. We have a stove in our barracks. Hans and I and Henry Perry were uptown. Note: The Hans frequently mentioned throughout the diary was Hans Pedersen of Arkdale, Wisconsin.
Friday, December 6th – I was peeling spuds all day long in the kitchen. Took a bath this morning and put on some clean underclothes.
Saturday, December 7, 1918 – Reported on sick call again. Tonsils swelled up pretty big. Have pain in left side. Doctor wouldn’t do anything for me. Said I should come back tomorrow. The only time they will do anything for a fellow in the army is when he is half dead. This afternoon I got a pass and Hans and I were out around town and we was up in the old church. Sure some place. Part of it was built in the year 400 then it was burned during the war with England and was rebuilt in 800 and 1400. I saw the town where two French kings were buried. One of them Charles III. I was also up in the tower and saw the big bell. It weighs two tons. The church has underground passages that reach way out in the woods somewhere in the country, but we could not get down there as the doors are sealed up. We was also out in the cemetery and they sure have some cemetery here in this country. I can’t describe how pretty it was. I picked up a few souvenirs. Note: Ferrieres Abbey was the coronation site of brothers and co-kings Louis III and Carloman II. Both were apparently buried there as well, before their bodies were later moved to the Basilica of St. Denis in Paris. Henry appears to be mistaken when he cites Charles III, who was half brother to the other two.
Sunday, December 8, 1918 – Slept pretty good. Still have a pain in my left side. Today I was over to Fontenay [sur Loing] about a mile from here. Got back for dinner. Sargent Hagen was along. Read my first two letters from Serena since I left the states.
Monday, December 9, 1918 – It is raining today. My cold is better. I am on guard inside. Am guarding all the bunks for our section for two hours. We have no stove here but it isn’t cold these days. Was out for a long hike this afternoon.
Tuesday, December 10th – Slept fine all night. Am working today filling up water bags. It is raining a little. Had our old feed of half cooked rice, black bread, and black coffee for breakfast. Some feed.
Wednesday, December 11th – Raining again. Mail today but not any for me. Was out for a little hike. Signed the payroll last night. Was over to see some soldiers decorated for bravery. They received (?) Silver Cross.
Thursday, December 12, 1918 – Cloudy. I had toothache last night. Was over to the dentist this morning. He wouldn’t do anything for me. Said I should come back in a week. We was out for a little drill practice on the street. Rained this afternoon. Sent a letter to my little wife.
Friday, December 13, 1918 – Rain. Didn’t get any mail this morning. Am feeling good today. Went for a hike out in the country. Very beautiful scenery around here. First four months today since I left home.
Saturday, December 14th – Good weather. Am on KP today. Very nice weather. Was up around town this afternoon as I was off duty after dinner.
Sunday, December 15, 1918 – Fine day. Hans and I were over at the Y to church. Had a good talk about the Prodigal Son. We sang a few songs. This afternoon Hans and I were out in the country about five miles for a walk. Awful nice scenery along the road. It seemed funny not to hear any noise. We got back at 4pm.
Monday December 16th – Raining. Was out for some exercise this morning. My cold is better. Went on guard for the first time at this place. Have the post at the ambulance yards. Five new sections came in last night.
Beautimount [?] near Paris, Tuesday, December 17, 1918 – Clear day. Felt puny this morning. Have a bad cold on my chest. Got three letters this morning from Serena, one dated Nov. 17th the others the 4th and 5th November. Very cold day with rain once in a while. Was on four reliefs of guard. Got back for mess tonight. We got our new clothes issued to us this evening. Note: I am not sure what the location for this entry means. He probably did not go to Paris for the day.
December 18th, Wednesday – Rain. Was on KP today. Got our new clothes. Had some burnt grub today. Wrote a letter to Serena tonight.
December 19th, Thursday – Fine day. Cold. Baby four months old today. Drill this forenoon. This afternoon was out for a hike.
December 20, 1918 – Cold, rainy weather. Was on detail all day while washing the kitchen. Some job.
December 21st, Saturday – Sunshine day. Hans and I washed today. Got done at noon. We was out for a walk this afternoon. Was at Y to show tonight.
December 22nd , Sunday – Rained this afternoon. We was over at the Y to church. The talk was about Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” Some new sections came here today. Thirty-one sections here now. Wrote a letter to Serena today. Hans got a box from home with candy and cigars. he gave me a [panatela?].
December 23rd – Rainy. Am on detail again today white washing the eating room. Got two letters from Serena stamped sent the 2nd and 3rd.
December 24, 1918 – Xmas eve. Rain off and on. I went on sanitary guard at three o’clock this afternoon. We had macaroni, spuds, black coffee, and bread for supper. Tried to get into the Y but was SOL because it was already full so I went back to the barracks and wrote a letter to my wife. I go on guard again at nine o’clock this evening. We got a can of velvet [?], one package of fills [?], and a bar of candy from the Red Cross. Note: I did not realize that SOL was such an old term.
December 25th – Very cold here today and a little frost. Was on guard all night. Didn’t get any chance to go to the doings at the Y but am going over tonight as I got off guard at eleven o’clock today. It is snowing a little today. We had a real good breakfast – bread and syrup, oatmeal with milk, and bacon, and coffee. For dinner we had turkey, mashed spuds, brown gravy, stuffing, one apple, and bread, and coffee. For supper we had beans, lettuce, and bread. They had a tree and show over at the Y but it was so cold that I didn’t stay, but went to bed early as I was up most all last night on guard so I am tired and sleepy.
Thursday, December 26, 1918 – Good weather but cold. We was paid this forenoon for the month of November. Received 55 [?] and 55¢. Expect some mail in the morning. Went to bed early. Pretty frosty evening.
Friday, December 27, 1918 – Was on barracks guard all day. Hans and I were to the moving picture show in the evening at the Y.
Saturday, December 28th – Had inspection this morning. I had on my new clothes. Was up town and looked around.
Sunday, December 29th – Rain. We went to church at the Y. This afternoon Hans and I were for a walk out to the tannery about two miles from town. Awful pretty place. It is cloudy but didn’t rain this afternoon. Tonight we were over at the Y. Some swell music from Paris. Sure was fine. Note: Apparently that tannery was converted to a private residence and was recently for sale.
Monday, December 30, 1918 – It is raining again today. I went on sick call this morning. Have a bad cold on my chest and headache. We signed the payroll today.
Tuesday, December 31, 1918 – New Year’s Eve. I was in bed all day with a bad cold. Didn’t get up and eat any dinner but had some supper. Have a bad cough and headache.
Wednesday, January 1, 1919 – Was in bed almost all day. Have chills all the time and pretty sore on my chest. Wrote a letter to Serena. This afternoon was made First Class Private.
Thursday, January 2nd – Didn’t get up for reveille today. Couldn’t talk out loud. Am going over on sick call.
Friday, January 3rd – Felt much better today. Was out for drill all forenoon. Went to the movies this evening. Very good show. Rained this afternoon.
Saturday, January 4th – Rain. Was to a show at the Y in the evening.
Sunday, January 5th – Hans and I were to church at the Y. Got a letter from Serena. Was playing cards all afternoon.
Monday, January 6th – Was drilling all forenoon. In the afternoon was for a hike. We swiped a stove and put in our barracks. Note: So Henry and friends were not above a little five-finger discount.
Tuesday, January 7th – Fine day. Went on guard at 5 this afternoon.
Wednesday, January 8th – Fine day. Slept all afternoon. Went to boxing match tonight.
Thursday, January 9th – Promoted to Mechanic. Rain. Clear this afternoon. Went for a hike. Went to movies at eight o’clock. Not very good.
Friday, January 10th – Fine sunshine. Drilled all forenoon. Got paid. Received 62 [?]. Had a half holiday in the afternoon. Went to Fontenay.
Saturday, January 11th – Was on detail. Cleaned out the washroom. It rained this afternoon. Went to town to the corner tonight.
[written over]: Was in detail all day leaving out the hard [?}
Sunday, January 12, 1919 – Wrote wife a letter. Rainy. Hans and I was to church at Y. Was inside all afternoon. Got five letter from Serena this morning. She got her first money the 11th of December 1918.
Monday, January 13, 1919 – It rained all forenoon. I was on barracks guard all day. Wrote my wife a letter. Went to bed early.
Tuesday, January 14, 1919 – Our section hiked to Montargis but I stayed. Didn’t feel like going. Did not do anything, only wrote a letter to Serena P. Hans and I [?] was to the movie tonight at the Y. Very good show. Very poor grub today.
Wednesday, January 15, 1919 – Rain. Was on detail today. All I had to do was to take five lanterns down from base camp to the sanitary office and I took them back at 9:30 tonight.
Thursday, January 16th – Fine sunshine. Drilled all forenoon. Played ball this afternoon. Score 15 to 9 in favor of us. Note: Apparently Henry was a ballplayer like his son, my Dad.
Friday, January 17th – Hans and I washed our clothes this forenoon. Fine sunshine day. Was at the show tonight at the Y. Wrote a letter to my little wifey.
Saturday, January 18th – Today is my dear old mother’s birthday. I didn’t do anything at all today, only read a book. Note: Henry’s mother Sofie Marie had passed away 27 March 1917 at age 63.
Sunday, January 19th – Very fine day. Hans and I were to church at the Y. Topic “When everything goes wrong.” This afternoon we was out in the woods to get some fresh air. Did not get any mail.
Monday, January 20th – We played volleyball this forenoon and this afternoon we played 613 and beat them 1 to 0. Wrote a letter to Serena tonight.
Tuesday, January 21st – Fine day. We played football all forenoon. Chose up sides, played a tie game 12 to 12. Had an indoor baseball game this afternoon. Our side lost, score 6 to 8. I was catching for our team.
Wednesday, January 22nd – Fine day. We are on guard. Got a letter from my little wife. I had a pretty good night’s sleep as my post was only a twelve hour one so I only had to stand guard four hours.
Thursday, January 23rd – Fine frosty day. Wrote my wife a letter. She is 19 years old today. Didn’t play ball today.
Friday, January 24, 1919 – Cold weather. Had a big review of us soldiers by Colonel Jones. Decorated some for bravery at the front. Had a big football game between the (?) and the Officers. Tie game. Am going to the Y tonight movies. Note: Colonel Jones was Percy Lancelot Jones, who served with distinction during multiple wars and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Saturday, January 25th – Fine day. Wrote a letter to my wife. Didn’t do anything today.
Sunday, January 26th – Fine day. We were on detail this forenoon but got done in time to go to church. I got three letters from Serena and one from Nels. Note: Nels was his oldest brother, Nels Peterson.
[in margin]: Moving pictures taken of us in review.
Monday, January 27th – Snowed last [night?]. Tried to play football but it was too wet. Went to show at Y.
Tuesady, January 28th – Had some setting up exercises this morning. Didn’t do anything the rest of the day. Went to movie at Y tonight.
Wednesday, January 29th – Didn’t get any mail today. Played ball this forenoon. Signed payroll.
Thursday, January 30th – Were on detail all day. There is a little snow on the ground yet.
Friday, January 31st – Had muster roll this forenoon. The rest of the day was holiday but we went on guard at five o’clock. Wrote to wifey.
Saturday, February 1 1919 – It has been an awful cold night. I had the post at the kitchen and kept warm and kept the fires going.
Sunday, February 2nd – Hans and I went to church at Y. Sit around barracks all afternoon. Didn’t get any mail. Wrote a letter to my wife. Pretty cold.
Monday, February 3rd – I took some French lessons. Got some auto talk from Lt. Smith on Ford cars. Was out for a hike this afternoon. Got our cocks. Sewed mine on tonight. I am promoted to Mechanic from the 1st of February from First Class Private. Note: What say you, military experts? Are cocks emblems sewn onto uniforms?
Tuesday, February 4th – Got some auto talk and got some practice driving.
Wednesday, February 5th – Had French classes, and auto driving and auto talk. Got two letters.
Thursday, February 6th – Holiday. Had some races. Warmer weather with rain.
Friday, February 7th – Got six letters this morning. Went to French class. Very cold.
Saturday, February 8th – Awful cold today. We got paid for January. Received 82 [?]. Wrote a letter to Ella and my wife. Note: Very likely that the Ella mentioned here was Henry’s sister-in-law, younger sister of his wife Esther Serena.
Sunday, February 9th – Cold weather. Went to church at Y. Went on guard at one o’clock. 10 section left for Germany on the Rhine.
Monday, February 10, 1919 – Very cold. Was on guard second relief. Guarded from seven to nine and from one to three.
Tuesday, February 11, 1919 – Didn’t do much today. Quite cold weather.
Wednesday, February 12, 1919 – Didn’t get any mail. Today we are on saw detail. Was riding on a Ford truck all forenoon. This afternoon we built at Y tent which burned down today.
Thursday, February 13th – Sailed for France three months ago. Played soccer ball.
Friday, February 14th – We are on guard. Slept in at tent last night. Weather not very cold.
Saturday, February 15th – We are on detail. Got a new Gillette razor. Wrote a letter to Uncle Peter M. Note: Uncle Peter M. was very likely Peter Mortensen, who was married to the younger sister of Henry’s mother.
February 16-19, 1919 – Didn’t do very much. Was on detail the 18th unloading wood. Hans and I were uptown today. An MP stopped us and took our names. Think maybe we are all right and they won’t say anything about it.
February 20, 1919 – I rode on the truck all day on detail work. Hans and I were over across the creek playing billiards in the evening. Most of the old section are in camp now. We are maybe going up near Metz in Alsace Lorraine next week.
Friday, February 21st – Pretty good warm weather. I was on barracks guard all day. Went to show in evening. It rained pretty fast.
Saturday, February 22nd – I walked out to the cemetery with Hans and Pernot. There was a new grave dug there and I found some old bones and saw a part of the old rough box. After people have been buried so many years they dig in the same place again. This evening Hans and I were downtown and played a game of billiards. Got my picture taken 9 f. 7 [?].
Saturday, February 22nd – Today Hans and I took a walk out to an old creamery.
Sunday, February 23rd – Was to church at Y. Wrote a letter to Serena. Got three letters from her. Went on guard at five o’clock.
Monday, February 24th – On guard all day.
Tuesday, February 25th – On detail on truck. It rained quite a bit. Had our pictures taken by the French government. Got seven letters, one card from Serena.
Wednesday, February 26th – Didn’t do much today. Signed the payroll. Got one letter from wife. Played a game of billiards this evening with Hans.
Thursday, February 27th – Fine weather. Went on guard at 5pm.
Friday, February 28th – Fine weather. I was on guard all day.
Saturday, March 1, 1919 – On detail work all day pumping water. Have a cold. We are getting ready to move to the front Monday. Saturday on water detail all day.
Sunday, March 2nd – Got ready to leave. Rolled our packs. Had a hot time in the barracks this evening.
Monday, March 3, 1919 – Left early at six o’clock for Paris. Got there at 10:20. It is raining hard. We got a pass to go. Was out and saw the city. Stayed at Rue Ganneron overnight. Note: Rue Ganneron runs past Montmartre Cemetery north of the city center. I believe there may have been an ambulance barracks located there during the war.
Tuesday, March 4th – Left at eight o’clock. Changed cars at Toules [?]. Stopped a while there. Got here to Vittel at 8pm. Slept on stretchers. Had a fine supper. Note: Vittel was the site of US Army Hospitals during the war.
Wednesday, March 5th – Got up at seven bells. Had cocoa toast for breakfast. Got a bed for five franks and sleeping bag. Wrote a letter to Serena.
Thursday, March 6, 1919 – Slept fine last night. Didn’t do much work today.
Friday, March 7th – Fixed up two Fords today. Put in new brake bands. Was out for a walk tonight. Got a lame back.
Saturday, March 8th – Inspected all the cars today. Fixed a carburetor.
Sunday, March 9, 1919 – Had a great dinner today. Had a French cook this afternoon. Climbed the hill overlooking the town. Fine country here.
Monday, March 10th – Fixed up a couple of cars.
Undated entry – I have been so occupied with our new place that I have forgot all about writing my journal. Car repairing has been the order of the day for two months now. Have received quite a lot of mail from home. Now we have orders of movement so we are to leave one of the first days for Versailles to turn the cars in.
May 3, 1919 – Got up at four this a.m. We all left at six bells. I am riding with Scofield in car No. 19, the third last ambulance. Well we have got out about two miles. One of the cars broke an axle. I and the rest of the mechanics put in a new rear axle in about one hour thirty minutes. Well we got started and we drove all day and haven’t seen the rest of the convoy, yet we reached a city here tonight by the name of Corbeil and then decided to stop for the night for us. We are pretty sure now that we must have passed the convoy on the road somewhere. There is four of us. We have two ambulances. Well we have stopped here a little ways out of Corbeil. Are going to make a bed in the cars now and say goodnight. Note: Scofield is Chester Scofield of Okolona, Ohio.
May 4,1919 – Slept fine last night. Got a little headache. Got out about eight bells. Rolled up my blankets. Had a bite to eat. We had some reserve rations along we had some corn wooley [?] and bread and water for breakfast. I took a good wash out in a mud puddle out here in the field. Feel pretty good now. Hope the convoy will soon show up as we have decided to wait for them here. We are only a short way from Versailles. Waited until three o’clock for the convoy. They didn’t show up so we left for Versailles. Got in at about five o’clock. Stopped by the YMCA at about six o’clock. The staff car came in and the rest of the fellows had just reached Corbiel and was stopping for the night. We went to bed in the cars early.
May 5th – Slept fine. Wrote a letter at the Y. At about eleven o’clock the rest of the fellows came in. We slept in the cars again.
May 6th – Left early for Ferrieres. Stopped at Corbiel for dinner at a café. The roads were awful dusty and I am sure awful dusty. We left right after. Quite a few stops on the road.
[in the margin]: Was up to see the palace in the forenoon. Note: Versailles?
Got to Ferrieres on the 7th of May. Got lots of mail from home. We was for KP on the second day in, then we was deloused and we was on detail one day.
Left on the 19th for Brest on French boxcars. We were all of our section in one car. Came here to Brest last night at about eleven o’clock. Had supper at the station and then we hiked out here to the camp three miles. I sure was tired and dirty and had a good wash before I went to bed. We got good barracks to stay in.
May 21st – I didn’t get up for mess this morning. We got a good bath and medical exam again, and new underwear. Got my Franks exchanged for real money. We are to have pack inspection again tomorrow. We may go aboard day after tomorrow as they ship them out of here fast now.
May 22nd – Get up at 5:30, the earliest for a long time. Had an inspection of packs this forenoon and this afternoon again. It rained all last night, but it is fine weather today. I was going to write another to my dear wife but don’t think there will be any chance now and we won’t get any more mail until we hit the States. They sure have some system here and this camp will hold 80,000 men. The 36th and 80th divisions are just going through here on the way home. Don’t just know when we are to leave yet. We are 31 sections of S. S. U. men here.
May 23, 1919 – On board the Battleship St. Louis bound for home. Hurrah! We got orders to leave camp this morning. Got on board at about four o’clock and are now under way. I am feeling fine so far but expect to be sick anytime as this ship rocks a lot more than a liner. Note: Although Henry calls it a battleship the St. Louis was actually a protected cruiser.
May 24th – Slept fine last night but it didn’t last. After we got up I have been pretty sick all day and it isn’t any pleasant feeling. Didn’t eat anything, only a bottle of pickles which I bought at the canteen.
May 25th – It was awful hot down below so I came on deck about three o’clock this morning and went to sleep. The worst of it is there is no decent water on board to drink and only salt water to wash in. I am feeling lots better and have out [?] down three meals. Today we got a lot of candy and books to read from the K. C. [?] and Y. It has been fine weather so far but it is a little rough tonight.
[seperate on top]: Houence Vous gheet
Monday, May 26th – Pernot and I slept on deck last night under the side of a boat. We were awakened rather early by the sailors as they scrub the deck at four o’clock every morning. Well I went below then it had cooled off some. Was awakened again at about 5:30 and woke up just in time to save my shoes as there was about four inches of water on the floor caused by a busted pipe. One of our fellows lost his [?] so he sure will be SOL going down the streets of N.Y. The sea is rather choppy today but I am feeling good and eat three meals a day regular. This battleship is quite fast when under full speed but we are only traveling about 16 knots an hour as some of the boilers are on the bum. I saw a school of whales yesterday. They sure are big fellows alright. They are underwater most of the time but come to the surface once in a while and shoot a stream of water many feet in the air. Here also seen some flying fish today. They are about two feet long. They come way out of the water once in a while. It sure is interesting to watch them. We have boat drill every afternoon and today we had a short arm [?]. Sixteen of my section are on permanent detail sweeping deck but I haven’t had a thing to do so for me. Get fairly good eats. They say we will be in Hoboken on June 2. That will make a ten day trip.
May 27th – Fourth day out at sea from Brest. We had a fog come on last night. I slept on deck again and was awakened early at about 2:20 by the ships whistle. It blew every minute for about two hours but it is clear again today but a bit windy. We sighted another ship this forenoon, the first since we left port. It was quite a ways on. We are soon in mid-Atlantic, now. They had mine sweepers on when we left port but took them off yesterday as there is much danger from floating mines at sea now but mostly in the mined zone. I am feeling fine these days and eat down three meals a day regular.
May 28th – Out at sea a little foggy today. The ship fog horn has been blowing quite a lot. I took a bath today. Have had a rather quiet day. One of our fellows went to the hospital today. Don’t know.
May 29th – It is a rough sea today and the waves come up over the lower deck quite often. It is fine weather and it was very warmer last night. We are over half way. Are about 1400 miles from N.Y. Had a show this afternoon from our A. A. S. entitled “Let’s Go!” They have played all over France. There was a movie tonight. Saw a sail ship go by us today headed the other way. Guess we will be in N.Y. about Tuesday.
[following are some mostly French phrases] Note: Remember that these are my typed transcripts of the handwritten originals.
Friday, May 30, 1919 – Decoration day. It’s pretty stormy. Gets a little saltwater on him once in a while. We had memorial services on board this forenoon and the sailors fired about twenty shots from the cannon. The [SS] George W[ashington] is supposed to pass us sometime today with President Wilson on board for home. I am feeling fine. Some of the fellows got sick again today for the ship sure rocks like a cradle alright with plenty of side action, but I rather like it now. Note: The story about Wilson aboard the Washington appears to be just a rumor, at least the Wilson part. Wilson did make two trips to France for the Paris Peace Conference aboard the Washington, which was oddly enough a German liner that had been seized by the US during the war, but the dates Wilson was on it do not line up with Henry being at sea in late May. Possibly the Washington did pass them but if so only doing regular troop transport duty.
May 31st – Well I don’t know whether I am on my head or just today. It sure is an awful sea and the old ship just plows right through them. I think we are underwater most half of the time. The waves look like mountains.
June 1, 1919 – The storm lasted all night and it is still at it today. The ship sure does rock some and a fellow has to look out not to slide off when on deck. It is a little better this afternoon. Quite a few of the fellows are sea sick.
June 2nd – The storm is over and it is fine weather. We went by another ship today. They say we won’t land before Wednesday morning. I wrote wrote a letter today to Serena.
June 3, 1919 – We are still headed toward N.Y. but won’t be there til sometime tomorrow forenoon. The sea is just like glass and we can’t hardly feel we are moving. I have been on deck all day reading in the sun. Guess I’ll roll my pack after dinner. It sure will be good to see land again. Rolled my pack this afternoon. I sent a telegram home tonight to be delivered as soon as we land tomorrow.
June 4th – We are just pulling into the harbor. It sure looks good to me. There is quite a little delay as there is an awful heavy fog. We finely got to land and took the train for Camp Dix N.Y. [sic]. Got here at about three o’clock. It is about seventy miles from N.Y. Note: Don’t know where he got the seventy mile figure from.
June 5-9, 1919 – Are still here at Camp Dix. Have been deloused again. It is awful hot weather. We expect to leave for Camp Grant [Rockford, Illinois] one of the first days and we won’t be demobilized before we get to that camp. This is an awful nice camp, about the best one I have ever been in. Today we are to be divided up into the different states so expect to be out of here today or tomorrow.
[doodled a graph with 100 squares]
[after many blank pages] Note: Transcribed as written with no corrections.
12 General Orders
1 = To take charge of this post and all gov. property in view
2 = To walk my post in a military manner always Keeping on the alert &e observing everthing that takes place within sight or hearing
3 = To report violations of orders I am instructed to inforce
4 = To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my ours
5 = To quit my post only when properly releaved
6 = To receave obey and pass on to the sentinal all orders from the orders from the com. officer officer of the day officers and non comissioned officers of the gaurd
7 = To talk to no one except in line of duty
8 = in case of fire or disorder to give the alarm
9 = To allow no one to commit a neusance on or near my post
10.= If in any case not covered to call the corporal of the gaurd
11 = To Salute all officers and standards not cased
12 = To be especally watchful at nite during the time challenging and calling all persons on or near my post and allow no one to pass without proper authority
Sec. 612
United States A. A. S.
With French army
[after a few blank pages] addresses reformatted some as best I can interpret. some of the numbers are section numbers but some could be parts of the addresses.
Harry S. Fenner, Rte. 3, Waupaca, Wisconsin, Section 595
Melford A. Asmus, 792 E. Grand Blvd, Detroit, Michigan
Arne F. Peterson (Denmark), Rte 2. Box 73, Wisconsin
Joseph S. Waala, Wautoma, Wisconsin
Fred J. Newman, Medford, Wisconsin, Section 613. Transferred and sent home with old section.
Sgt. Raymond Rodgers, New London, Wisconsin, Section 556 [?]
John A. Gerrits, Rural Rte. #1 Box 84, South Kaukanna, Wisconsin
Pyt. Walter B. Underhill, R.F.D. No 6, Lansing, Michigan
Alvin West Peck, R. F. D. 25 Box 4, Beloit, Wisconsin, Section 617 [?], Transferred to D. of P.
Herman A. Meyer, Rte 45 Box 95A, Marshfield, Wisconsin, Section 417 [?]
Albert Rustin, Dewnda [?], Wisconsin, Section 556 [?]
Ingman A. Olstad, Rte #1 Box 53, Rosholt, Wisconsin, Section 613 [?], Transferred to casuals later.
Albert Parker, Rural Rte 9 Box 94, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
Roy Gallagher, 245 Marquette St, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Eugene Pernot, Rural Rte #3, Brooklyn, Wisconsin
Harry Groh, Wheelersburg, Ohio
Pvt. Benjamin F. Smith, 1539 Goodyear Ave, Akron, Ohio
Herbert C. Wafemeister, 1524 Chestnut, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Glenn Spangler, Rte #2 Box 70, Orient, Ohio
Elmer E. Gille, 801 Main St, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Ernest C. Hannah, Niellsville, Wisconsin
Elmer Russell, Almond, Wisconsin, Section 556, His cousin in my company at Sweeney died of flu.
Sherman E. Gruender, 109 Concordia Ave, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hans C Pedersen, Box 24, Arkdale, Wisconsin
Chester Scofield, Okolona, Ohio
John H. Spencer, 432 E. Washinghton St, Napoleon, Ohio
Pvt. Charles Hedrington, 250 West Elm St, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
Pvt. Henry M. Perry, Box 2, Eleva, Wisconsin
John B. Hindenberg, Rte No. 1, Kent, Minnesota
Edward J. Peterson, R#1 Box 21, Ogema, Wisconsin