18 Nov 1942 – Letter from Dad to Mom

Letter or Postcard – Letter

Sender – Ralph Peterson

Recipient – Phyllis Grant

Postmark Place – Green Bay, Wisconsin

Postmark Date – 18 Nov 1942

Letter Date – 17 Nov 1942


Dearest Sweetheart,

I got your letter and was I ever glad to get it.  I was getting so damn lonesome for you that I didn’t know what I would do with myself.  I was lonesome for you before I got to Redgranite,  and that means only one thing,  that I cannot live without you any longer and it will be just four more days before I see you and can bring you back with me for good.  And that is forever.  Isn’t it? [?] I could write about ten pages on how much I love you,  but I suppose I will have to tell you some of the things you want to know.  I found your mother’s purse the minute I got in Green Bay.  I didn’t know what to do with it but I was going to send the whole thing back.  So I will send the money back now and will bring the rest along Saturday night.  I got in town at 11:30 Sunday night so I had some sleep, about six or seven hours, and that’s enough for me as long as I could be with you a little while longer honey. I would have liked to take you along back with me but that will come next weekend.  That will be the happiest weekend in my life.  I hope it will be yours, too. About that suit.  If Avis takes it down to the cleaners I could pick it up Saturday night.  You better stay and tell them that I will be down there about 8:30 or 9:00.  I will have my check then and that will be about 25 or 30 dollars so you don’t have to worry about the money part of it. By the way, Marvin cannot make it down here on Sunday so I guess you will have to get Cal, if he wants to.  You said he would so I guess it will be alright.  Marvin has to work Saturday night and that is the reason he couldn’t make it.  About this last week, I know what I am going to do about it and it is what I am doing now.  I come home from work, I wash up, eat supper, and then take care of kids and also think a lot of you. Mostly about you I guess. I hope you are doing the same.  I know you are.  By the way,  Marian missed the clock the other morning and had breakfast made and my lunch put up before she looked at the clock.  It was half past one.  That’s the second time she has done that.  Well sweetheart, that’s all I can think of now,  so will have to close with loads of love to the sweetest and swellest girl in the world from her soon-to-be husband.

Love and kisses, Ralph

PS – If you can’t read this save it until I come down and I will explain it to you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I miss you

I miss you

I love you

I love you

Night sweetheart,  Ralph

Notes: Avis is my Mom’s younger sister, Avis Grant. Cal is Avis’ future husband Cal Woodward. Avis and Cal were, respectively, maiden of honor and best man for my folks. Marvin is my Dad’s younger brother Marvin Peterson. Marian is my Mom’s older sister. It is my understanding that prior to the time my folks got married my Dad was living with my Mom’s family. Among other things, I think my Dad used to drive my Mom’s Mom to the big city (Oshkosh?) for medical treatments. This may explain why her purse ended up in my Dad’s car. Or he was a purse snatcher. Regardless, this doesn’t seem to have been a big deal. It is interesting to note that my Dad was living with his future sister-in-law Marian in Green Bay, most likely because of the new job he mentions in the postcard from a few days earlier. By this time Marian was married to Donald Leigh and they had three kids already [Sharon, Donna, and Wayne]. These would be the kids my Dad mentions taking care of.

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18 Feb 1943 – Postcard from Dad to Mom

Letter or Postcard – Postcard

Sender – Ralph Peterson

Recipient – Phyllis Peterson

Postmark Place – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Postmark Date – 18 Feb 1943


? Sweetheart,

Well I had a little time off in Milwaukee so I [?] I had better write to you.  We got here about half past one.  Nothing much doing only I am getting lonesome as hell already for you.  We will get in Sheridan about five or so.  I will write you a letter there.

Love, Ralph

Notes: He is in the Army and headed off to war. They have been married roughly three months, and Mom is eight months pregnant with their eldest child, my sister Bonny. This is a simple postcard with no image.

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11 Nov 1942 – Postcard from Dad to Mom

Letter or Postcard – Postcard

Sender – Ralph Peterson

Recipient – Phyllis Grant

Postmark Place – Green Bay, Wisconsin

Postmark Date – 11 Nov 1942


Dear Phyllis,

Well I got back here all right at a quarter to eleven. It took me two hours and a half. It rained all the way to Kaukauna so it was not nice driving.  I started my job Tuesday morning and I am getting along good.  I start at seven in the morning,  have a half hour for noon,  and get done at five. This is about all the room I have so will have to close. You write me a nice long letter right away honey.

Love, Ralph

I miss you a lot.

See you Saturday night 9:30.

Notes: They were just 11 days away from being married. Not sure what this job was. This is a simple postcard with no image.

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New Project

I am starting a new project, or new in the sense that I actually started work on it. When my Mom passed away in May 1997 I became custodian of the letters she and my Dad exchanged during World War II. Many years ago I made a half-hearted attempt to create audiotaped transcriptions of the letters, but that came to nothing. I am starting again because the technology found in Google Docs allows me to read the letters aloud and have the contents go straight into a document. I will place the full text of the document here in The Althing blog, adding links and comments as appropriate and sharing to a Facebook timeline…either my own or I will create a new page.

This letters contain everything from the mundane to the slightly racy. Remember that they were written by two Wisconsin teenagers in the middle of a war, and cut them a little slack.

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Facebook Redux and More PHP

A lot has happened since we last spoke. I was all gung-ho over using Facebook to try and build traffic to www.the-althing.com, but then I hit something of a brick wall. Actually a huge brick wall. My plan was to follow pages on Facebook as my page. As interesting postings from those pages would show up in my feed I would share them on my page. I thought it was a win-win solution. I would get content and the pages I was following would get traffic. Even FB would win with increased ad revenues. But of course FB’s revenue model doesn’t work quite that way. I noticed that I was only seeing postings from a small percentage of the pages I was following on my feed, and it was postings from the same pages. Turns out FB limits how many pages you will see postings from, presumably unless you pay them. I then searched the web high and low for any solution that would workaround those limits. Unfortunately no such workaround exists…except the one I came up with, which relies on simple brute force. In short, I created an Excel spreadsheet, went to each of the pages I was follow (over 200 at present), and copied the URL into the spreadsheet. At that point it becomes a simple matter of going to each URL one at a time on a regular basis, searching for postings of interest to share to my Facebook page for The-Althing. Not the best solution, but one that will work until something better comes along (or the money grubbing Facebook lightens up a bit). In doing all this, I discovered that the links to almost all my t-shirts and other products at Zazzle were broken. They had restructured their link format, so I had to go in and edit almost every link, but that is all back up and running now.

On another front, there have been a variety of changes and updates to the thang. A lot of content was added in various areas, and PHP was more fully utilized in getting that content online for you to see. I went to larger images for the stuff I’m selling through Amazon. I wrote a small script to randomize the content on the front page and other pages, so you don’t see the same old thing every time. I also cleaned up the script the loads the information for the various shops and restaurants, so it automatically eliminates lines that were left when a particular field was empty…say a shop didn’t have a phone number or a website.

Next up will be a rethinking of how I present books and music on the site. I will be going to a dedicated page for each author or musician, along with some biographical information. This will also allow me to integrate links to audiobooks and links to purchase individual songs, something I’ve wanted to add for some time. To accomplish at least some of that I may sell through iTunes rather than Amazon, as it looks like the former has a much better looking interface.

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A Facebook Weekend

Some time back I had established a page for the-althing.com on Facebook. I routed these blog postings to that feed, and I systematically went through all of the places featured on the thang, checked if they had a FB page, and then liked or followed them. Imagine my dismay when the only postings that showed up on the feed were the blog postings I put there myself. I confess I was looking for a lazy way to build traffic for the site and I was disappointed that was not it.

Which brings us to this weekend. Like most things associated with this site (and with my life) I am self-taught and I learn a lot through trial and error methodology. I’m not too big into buying how-to books or soliciting advice. I had previously experimented with trying to share posts from other sites onto the althing.com feed but they ended up on my regular FB feed, where they do me no good. However, I realized that when you click “share” one of the options that drops down is “share to a page you manage.” Voila! This weekend I really dug in, hit the feeds of the folks I featured on the thang, and started sharing them to my the-althing.com feed on Facebook. This also gave me an ideal time to start to build the calendar of events back up. I had started with a free calendar from Keep and Share, which worked fairly decently. But awhile back I noticed the link was broken, and when I checked I learned they no longer offered the free calendar. At the time I started the calendar it was a close pick between K&S and Google, so I went back and checked Google calendar and found it was easier to work than K&S and I went to that. The only problem was I never got time to populate it with events, so it sat empty for a few months. As I pored through FB entries this weekend it was a perfect opportunity to start to build the calendar.

The bottom line is that this weekend was very productive. There were a few changes to the actual page, consisting of the calendar and an edit for a NYC shop that went out of business. But I really started to build traffic through FB, and hopefully that project will continue this week and next weekend.

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Stop Fugiting, You Damn Tempus!

It has been almost two years since I posted anything on the Althing blog. Shame on me. Of course I have my candy ass excuses, but I will spare you.

No I won’t. Since my last posting I went through the highly stressful process of finally selling our old house in Baker County. I went through the even more highly stressful process of looking for a house in Tallahassee, of finding several, of having a deal or two go bad, of settling on “the one” only to learn just before closing that the place had two mortgages and the sales price was less then both combined. Needless to say the banks balked. Now go through the highly stressful process of a short sale, which was successful after several months and a change of financial institutions. Now go through moving about 90% of our vast accumulation of crap myself over the course of three weeks (with two very intensive weekends).

Midway through this soap opera I assumed responsibility as Library Services Administrator for the Florida Department of Corrections. No stress there, following two almost mythic personages in the position. Throw in the demands of family and all that entails.

Finally there’s my health. A bit before we moved to Tallahassee in late 2013 I started fighting intense acid reflux with some very bad nights along the way. I severely altered my eating habits and since that time my weight has fallen from 250 to 160. Comments have gradually changed from “damn, you look good” to “damn, hope you’re not dying.” Yeah, I hope I’m not dying, too. I’m nearly 56 and probably ought to have the whole colonoscopy, upper GI rigmarole. Pretty sure my prostate ain’t right, either. What I seek to avoid is getting on that, “gee, we don’t know what’s wrong with you so we’ll order an endless chain of tests.” I’ve seen this in car repair. “That didn’t work. Let’s try replacing the alternator.” On the bright side I did have dual cataract surgeries a week apart, with very successful results (so far). Of course even with good insurance that set me back over a grand, and my finances are razor thin right now with the new house, so you can see why the Thing has suffered. This past week has seen a flurry of new content, and updates and fixes, but no telling where we go from here. Hope I’m not pushing up daisies for a while.

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Life is good.

I’m doing a job I love, and one of the things I love about it is not driving 150 miles round trip daily. This has freed up a massive amount of time, which is a wonderful thing. A lot of that is devoted to family, and rightfully so, but a segment of it should allocated to creative efforts, like writing and keeping up with the Thang. And to digress just a bit, thanks to the folks who have bought our products. I hope you enjoy them.

But back on point. One of my peculiarities is that I have to have a clean slate before I can get creative. I have to start every project with a clean desk. The desk will certainly get messy when I get rolling, but I need to have room to spread things out and see it all at certain stages in the process. One mental mess that has been hovering over my head is the efforts to sell our property back in Baker County. It has been pretty stressful to have a rent payment on top of a mortgage payment, which has been the case for almost a year. One sale fell through months ago, but we are hopefully looking at a closing next week, and if all goes well this source of stress will be eliminated. And the price we are getting, though still much less than the home was valued at atop the bubble, should allow us to also retire both car payments a bit early. All told, it should free up almost $1000 monthly between the cars and the mortgage payments going away. This, in turn, should allow us to start attacking the other debts we incurred as a natural process of moving, and get us  back on track of buying a home here in Tallahassee.

Of course it’s all up to God, whatever happens.

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The a-Store

Grant watches “Go, Diego, Go” from time to time, sometimes in great back-to-back binges if allowed. The theme music is so ingrained in my head that I, in typical Peterson fashion, have written new, borderline filthy lyrics. I sing them just out of earshot sometimes, to a cautionary, “Daddy?” from Mom, if she is around. If you know the tune, you probably know where I sing, “cause he’s an aaaaaaa-hole. Aaaaaaa-hole. No, Diego, No.” We won’t get into the lyrics I sing to the theme of Thomas the Train.

But I digress, for I speak now not of a-holes, but of Amazon aStores. I first had experience with them when I was doing my mother-in-law’s website using Joomla. Like most Amazon Associate tools, I found it to be fairly straightforward to set up and integrate into a site using iframes. They could be made to look like a reasonably integral part of a site. As it turns out, she had trouble with the content management end of things, in terms of adding products, a problem I never experienced. But she is an older person who does not delve particularly deeply into the technical aspect of the internet or computers, and to some extent needed everything spoon-fed to her.

It was always the plan to integrate Scandinavian products into the Althing. That has been done for film, books, and music, using Amazon product links, but as yet I have not migrated those pages to full use of MySQL, and it would be time prohibitive to add products one at a time that way, so I looked at aStores early on. I even did a few mock-ups to see how it might look, but this past week I took the plunge and started using aStores, with the first featured products being Husqvarna, Lego, and Carlsberg. For the latter, of course I wish I could sell good imported Danish beer online, but the next best thing is to list Carlsberg paraphernalia such as signs and lights. As time passes I will be tweaking the store, adding a lot of new stuff, reorganizing what I have. It also could be time soon to add Lutefisk to the site, and we can all experience the smell of good fish gone bad.

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The Latest

One of the benefits of the move to Tallahassee has been the gift of time. I have now used that time to put into action some of the plans I’ve had for The Althing. The Movie page has been updated through the use of PHP and MySQL and now offers not only the chance to purchase DVD’s of the films on Amazon.com, but the ability to stream the films (when available). There is also information on each film courtesy of the Rotten Tomatoes API. To access that information, I also had to get up to speed on the basics of JSON. In short, diving back into the nuts and bolts end of the page in a big way.

Still, having to take a U-turn on one plan, which was to redesign the Music page, adding in MP3 sales. I really wanted to have the ability for folks to sample brief excerpts of the music, just as you can do on iTunes or Amazon.com, but Amazon does not offer that option in their links. I have done a survey of all available music websites, and don’t see that available from anyone that has an associates program. Not sure which way I will go next. Want very much to get “Lutefisk” up on the site. What is Lutefisk, you ask? Doesn’t everyone know? I’ll just give a hint and say it will be another outlet for my strange sense of humour. One thing I most definitely will be doing is to update the calendar entries in a big way. I have really let that lag since I instigated it, to the point there is no current content on it. That will change soon.

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