Didn’t want to mix subject matter, so this is a different posting.

The Althing is now converted to PHP. Something I’ve been contemplating for a couple years but never had the chance to  implement. Now it is done, or more properly it is begun, as I have further plans moving forward into the future. Hopefully the Thang will become a far more dynamic and interesting site as we progress.

The process was not without its hiccups. Installed XAMPP on my computer, picked up a copy of PHP Solutions by David Powers, moved over all my files, and did the conversion. The first thing I did was to change all my page menus to includes. Tested it all, everything worked flawlessly. Uploaded it all to 1and1, and nothing. All sorts of odd errors. Old files I had deleted appeared out of nowhere (some strange cache?). The site was down for a good two days. Finally, today I realized I had copied over a small php.ini file that maybe, just maybe, ought not to be there. Deleted it and the Thang came back to life like Lazarus rising from the dead.

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A Long, Strange Journey…

What a long, strange journey it’s been.

Almost a full year since my last posting, and I can barely believe it’s been that long. Today finds me in very different and happier circumstances. At that time I was an Education Supervisor in a Florida prison, looking at a tough next few years, as far as free time was concerned. I have been with the Florida Department of Corrections for almost thirteen years , the first nine as librarian at Union Correctional Institution. I then became the department’s regional librarian for northeast Florida, a job I greatly enjoyed. Unfortunately the budget crunch led to the elimination of all four regional positions, including my own. I was moved to New River Correctional and became an Education Supervisor. This transition necessitated my obtaining first a permanent Florida teaching certificate, and then an education leadership certification. I was looking at several years of part-time classes, not so odious working at a low key place like New River, but then the budget crunch intervened again and New River was closed. I ended up at Hamilton Correctional Institution, complete with daily round trip commute of 150 miles. And it was also a much busier, much more intense place supervising twice as many people. Plus I still had to get the education credentials to keep my job. All that was doable, but things like maintaining websites took a back seat. Way, way back.

But then God changed things up. While I was at New River the number two position in Library Services came open in Central Office. I applied and interviewed, but lost out to a colleague. After two years of doing the job, she left to head a multi-county library system in the Florida panhandle. I applied, and this time the job was mine.

So 2014 finds me moved to Tallahassee, doing work I enjoy, freed from classes, freed from a daily commute. I no longer fill up my gas tank every other day. Instead, I drove the whole first full week of work on less than a quarter tank.

Time. Free time. A wonderful gift.

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Hello Stranger

Long time no see, stranger.

I know. All my fault. It’s me, not you.

Well that old tempus sure does fugit when you’re having fun. I looked at some of the dates of my earlier posts and I was stunned, though I really shouldn’t have been. With one or two notable exceptions, I manage my time pretty well. It’s just that it doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for creative endeavors. The job has become easier as I pass my one year anniversary (and my twelfth year with the state), but there are still large segments of intense activity, such as GED prep and the actual testing, the quarterly graduations, trying to spend out meager funds wisely, and trying to get new staff hired in the narrow windows of opportunity we are occasionally presented with. All that would be enough, but I also have to secure a permanent Florida teaching certificate by June of next year, and then I have about another year to get the additional credits for education leadership. In the meantime, I look for ways to move back into the library world, but my prison library experience carries little weight in the free world.

The Althing has been updated for the first time in a long time, and that is good. There are many things I plan on doing, including moving the site to all PHP code, integrating more API’s, and adding much more content. Be warned…Lutefisk is coming.

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Mrs. Stones

Bonnie and Grant have been out of town a couple weeks, attending graduations up north. I miss them, but have taken advantage of the time to clean up the office. Today I am going through my files. Most folks wouldn’t guess it, but I’m sentimental about certain things, which dovetails nicely into my OCD traits. I keep just about every Christmas card, birthday card, any sort of card anyone sends me. In going through those cards today, I came upon a card I received in response to my high school graduation announcement. It had been sent to the old lady who watched me for several years when we lived down in Daytona, and Mom and Dad were both working. With one brief exception, I didn’t go to day care, and I didn’t attend kindergarten. I started school in the first grade when we moved to St. Augustine.


Mrs. Stones was a nice old lady. Her husband was either working, or sleeping, as apparently he worked odd hours. He went duck hunting once, and brought home several ducks. He photographed me holding them, sitting on their gas tank. There were no other kids, just me and her. I spent my time playing outside, or poring through their collection of National Geographics. An odd pastime for a 4-5 year old, but I taught myself a lot of stuff in those magazines, and developed a lifelong love for them. I have an almost complete collection from about 1940, and many of the older issues. The rest of the time we went about her daily shopping. Quite often she would leave me in the car while she ran into the shops. I’d pretend I was driving, play, or nap. Remember, this was the 60’s, a different time. I’d never ever dream of doing the same thing with Grant. One time, I grew tired of waiting for her and went into the store, which required me to cross mainline railroad tracks because the parking lot was on one side, the store on the other. When she realized what I had done, I thought the poor old lady was going to have a heart attack. She was sure my Mom would hit the ceiling, but she didn’t, and I kept going to Mrs. Stone. I also recall that one of her kids was overseas, possibly doing missionary work. I would ask her where they were, and she would point to the east, presumably towards Africa, and say they were “across the water.” In my childish naivete, I thought she meant they were on the other side of the inland waterway, at the beach.

I re-read the card she had sent me in 1978, and saw something I had missed in the intervening 34 years. She invited me to stop by and visit her.

I never did. I looked her up tonight, and learned she had died in 1981, just three years later. I lived 50 miles away, had a car, and had free time. I could have gone to see her. It made me sad today to think of my thoughtlessness. As if to accentuate that feeling, Loreena McKennitt’s “Dante’s Prayer” began to play on Pandora, with its plaintive refrain of, “Please remember me.”

I remember Mrs. Stones. I also now know, after reading her obituary from 1981, that the “old lady” I remember was in her mid-fifties when she watched me.

About the same age I am now.

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Time? Ha, Ha, Ha!

Well, I’ve wrapped up three weeks at my new position at Hamilton Correctional in Jasper, FL, and it has turned out to be an all-consuming operation. As stated before, I am the PTS and also the acting Education Supervisor. Hamilton is much larger than New River, with a far more diverse inmate population. Whereas I was responsible for seven folks at New River, at Hamilton I’m supervising fifteen. I’m pretty much running non-stop for nine hours, because I cram down my lunch at my desk. Of course those that know me would merely shrug and say I cram down all my meals. True.

In any event, I have barely looked at The Thang in that time. When you add in the three hours a day I spend in transit to and from, and the priority to spend time with Bonnie and Grant, doesn’t leave much time for other things. What has happened is that everything gets compressed into the weekends, and there’s just not enough time.

I know. Waaa! Waaa! Put your big boy pants on, bubba.

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Here is my alibi…or, to be more correct, my alibis.

First, I am in the process of winding down one job assignment, and moving on to a new one. This coming Thursday will be my last day at the soon-to-be-closed New River Correctional Institution. The following day will be my first at Hamilton CI. Not only will I be transitioning locations, I will also be starting a new job, moving from Education Supervisor (like a school principal) to a Placement and Testing Specialist. To throw a further monkey wrench in the works, though I will be a PTS, I also will be acting as the Education Supervisor, because that slot is currently open. Why, you may ask, did I not just become Ed Supervisor? It is because I am an Ed Supervisor I, and the Hamilton slot is an Ed Supervisor II, and by rule nobody can promote in this Byzantine process. The state currently has a hiring freeze in place (more or less), so I just have to sit tight and wait to see what happens next. In the meantime, I continue to look for situations that will get me back into library land.

Second, I finally broke down and upgraded my PC, and it is taking awhile to get everything configured to my liking. I am a bottom feeder of the computer world, existing on $200 units culled off eBay, which I upgrade as needed, making them last several years, before the limitations of old hardware and software finally bring my activities to a halt. I had noted a growing tendency for my PC to slow me down, so I have moved to a Dell Optiplex 745 running Windows 7 Professional. There has been a learning curve, and myriad tweaks. Some software will not run on 7, like my extremely decrepit Quickbooks 2002, to name one. Most upsetting has been my move to the wireless Logitech MK320 combo mouse and keyboard. In making the move, I have finally abandoned my hoary old Focus 2001 keyboard, which I have used on every PC I’ve had for about twenty years, beginning with the XT I hand built using Aubrey Pilgrim’s book.

So there you have my reasons. Take them or leave them as you wish. The plan is to continue working on my mother-in-law’s Faith Cares site, as well as the Thang. In addition, Bonnie today said she wanted to secure her own domain. Because her demands are not at the level of the other two, I plan on placing her with 1and1, using their site builder. That way I can create it quickly and then hand the keys to her to do what she will.

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Of Late…

Work has progressed quite nicely on The Althing. I continue to get new content loaded on a regular basis. In some respects, it’s like doing genealogical research (something I’ve engaged in for over thirty years), in that I can never envision a time when I will be done, excepting getting run over by a beer truck, or some similar misadventure. I keep thinking of new things to investigate for possible inclusion. Among the things that will definitely be coming are a calendar of events, and new layouts for such things as books, movies, and music. I need to find a way to integrate brief but good artist bios, book and film summaries, etc. Not yet sure if I want to open things up for ratings as that would be redundant, although I would like to pull ratings from other sources, like Rotten Tomatoes.

About the time I shifted to pure HTML/CSS, I also began to consider the benefits of PHP, or others of that ilk. Now, I have the classic “basic template”, to which I add my content to generate the different pages. As there are over twenty pages, with many more to come, I am faced with the associated classic problem – things such as a menu change must be executed over twenty times. Of course PHP would allow me to change one file, and have the change propogated across all the pages. Tempting. I could also then integrate tools to allow visitors to add comments, do searches, filter results. I have browsed many online sites that purport to tutor on PHP and MySql. A lot are poorly done. Many spend too much time at a very basic level, while others launch right into the expert stratosphere. Few offer practical examples of how to use those tools. Though there are some good sites, and I was gradually picking it up, it became apparent I would need to break down and buy a book. A lot of research led me to “PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy” by David Powers. My research was good, because my first look at the book tells me it is going to be a very valuable source for the future development of the Thang.

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Breaking the Log Jam

Today was a good day for getting work done on the Thing, a rare multi-hour stretch with nothing to do but sit and catch up. I’m feeling pretty good about it, and hope to keep up the momentum. Lots of authors and books added, some music, and some cultural stuff, as well. In the interim, it’s not as though I haven’t been thinking about the site. In doing work on my mother-in-law’s site, Faith Cares, I have looked at some issues from a different perspective. Wondering now about the relative merits of individual links versus incorporating whole aStore pages. I have seen the point argued in several blogs, and to my surprise, the consensus seesm to be the individual links. Still, something to look into down the road.

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And The Hits Keep Rolling On…

Still being a sluggard in regards to keeping The Althing up-to-date. I will still blame work, as well as the holiday season, though they be poor excuses at best. The holiday thing requires no explanation, except to say we spent a week out of town and I am not a laptop aficionado. The work roller-coaster continues apace, with word received last week that the prison where I work is slated for closing. First my job disappeared from under me, and now a whole prison has. There can be but one explanation…I am magic!

Again, DC has said they will make every effort to place all effected  workers from the seven institutions being closed. No telling where I will turn up, but a lateral move to the same job at another institution has been floated out to me as a possibility. Main drawback would be a much longer commute, since it isn’t prudent to relocate in these uncertain times.

One interesting development over the holidays has been my work to establish a web presence for my mother-in-law. I have resurrected her old domain, Faith Cares, and am building it up (a bit) as an e-commerce hub for her various money-making efforts. For speed (ha ha!) I have done the work in Joomla, which has turned out to be an educational experience. It has a bit of a learning curve, but gradually I am whipping it into shape.

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Well, I have officially become one of those folks who start a blog, then let it dwindle. It’s been a couple of months since I did a perfunctory entry here, and likewise I have let The Althing drift in its mission. Work is the culprit. In early September the department of corrections officially eliminated my posiition as the regional Library Program Specialist for northeast Florida, at which point I became the education supervisor at New River CI…kind of a glorified school principal. Looking at the glass as half full, they took care of the four of us by creating posiitions for us to move into, with no loss of pay (in fact, we take home slightly more because we are no longer career service). Looking at another way, though, it’s a step backwards to return to the daily grind of dealing with inmates at an institution. I find I enjoy the library biz, and wish to continue working in that field. To that end, I have been putting in job apps in sundry and various places. Farthest afield was a similar position as my prior one, only out in Colorado. We made the trip, did the interviews, failed to get the job. The selectee was someone with a “vision for correctional libraries”. I freely admit to a paucity of visions of any kind, much less those having to do wiith prison libraries.

It also didn’t help this site that before the Colorado trip, my son had a flare up of his asthma, and just before the trip, I came down with something that became a severe case of bronchitis. The latter wasn’t helped by a pressed travel schedule and a climb to 5300 foot altitudes. I am only now starting to feel something like normal.

So there you have them…my alibis. You can disregard them all as so much BS, should you choose. Bottom line, if everything goes according to Hoyle, I’ll be back adding posts here, and adding content to the Thang before too long.

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